We sincerely thank you for using our store today.
We will show you how to reset password that improve lost password problem.
In addition,with the site renewal, some customers will need to reset their passwords.
In either case,please follow the explain below to complete the procedure.
【How to Reset Password】
①Click 「ログイン(Login)」 after input your Email address.
②Click「認証コードの送信(Receive an authentication code)」
We will send the authentication code(6 characters) which use for reset password.
③You will receive Email with the code like below.
④Input the code and click 「次へ(Next)」
・If you would like to edit your Email address,click a button on the right side of your Email address. |
■Note■ |
➄Reset Passeord
Set a password with at least 8 characters including all the following status and click「ログイン(Login)」.
・Uppercase alphabet
・Lowercase alphabet
You should be able to complete login if there is no problem.
If you have any questions, please contact us anytime.